Do Flathiusaib hÉrend (Roll of the Kings)
Do Flathiusaib hÉrend (Roll of the Kings)
Incipit of the princedoms of Ireland, and of their times, from the era of the Sons of Míl to the time of Túathal Techtmar.
In the Fourth Age of the World the Gáedil came into Ireland, that is, in the age of David son of Isa, by whom the Temple of Solomon was projected; and in the twentieth year of the princedom imperii regis Assyriorum. On Thursday, as regards the day of the week, on the Kalends of May, as regards the day of the solar month.
Battle is joined in Tailtiu between the Sons of Míl and the Túatha Dé Dannan, till the three kings of the Túatha Dé Danann fell there, with their three queens. Mac Cécht fell at the hands of Érimón, Mac Cuill of Éber, Mac Gréine of Amorgen, Érin of Suirge, Banba of Caicher, Fotla of Étan.
In the year after that, the building of Dún Etair by Suirge, of Dún Finne by Caicher, of Delginis of Cualu by Sétga, and of Dún Náir in Sliab Modoirn by Goisten.
At the end of a year after that—[that is, after the battle of Tailtiu], a battle was fought between Érimón and Éber in the plain of Airgetros, in contention for Druim Clasaig in Ui Maine, Druim Bethaig in Moenmag, and Druim Fingini in Mumu, for their fruitfulness. Éber Find son of Míl fell in that battle, and there fell on teh other side Goisten, Sétga, Surge, the three chieftains.
Érimón took the kingship of Ireland, and two royal forts were dug by him — Ráith Oind in the land of Cualu, and Ráith Bethaig above the Nore. He gave the kingship of the province of the Gailioin to Crimthann Sciathbél of the Domnann; he gave the kingship of Mumu to the four sons of Éber–Ér, Orba, Fergna, Féron. He gave the kingship of the province of Connachta to Ún son of Uicce, and to Etán; he gave the kingship of the province of Ulaid to Éber son of Ír, a quo the Ulaid of Emain.
At that time came the Cruithne, and landed in Inber Sláine in Ui Cendselaig. Crimthann suffered them to come to him, for the remedy which a druid of the Cruithne found for him, for fighting against the Túath Fidga, a people of the Britons. Everyone on whom they would inflict a wound was doomed, and they would handle nothing but poisoned weapons. This is the remedy; to pour the milk of six score hornless white kine into the trenches where the battle should be fought; unde the Battle of Árd Lemnachta. By means of that device all the Túath Fidga perished.
- Ard Lemnachta, which is a region in the South, let every one who is a sage find out, wherefore did the name and appellation adhere to it that fastened upon it after the time of Crimthann?
Crimthann Seiathbel, it is he who undertook to save them from hard battle, to protect them from the venoms of their weapons, weapons of the terrible bitter giants.
Six men of the Cruithne whom God appointed came from the land of Thracia, Solen, Ulpa, noble Nechtan, Oengus, Letenn and Drostan.
God bestowed upon them by means of cattle to protect and satisfy them from their sickness, to protect them from the venom of their weapons, weapons of the terrible bitter giants.
This is the knowledge which he found for them, he, druid of the Cruithne, it was not unjust, thrice fifty hornless kine from the plain to milk for him into one trench.
- The battle was set closely about the trench in which was the milk; he broke the battle valorously upon the vassals of lofty Banba.
Thus Cathluan son of Cing, of the Cruithne, assumed great power over Ireland, till Érimón drave him out.
It is then that Cruithnechán son of Cing came to seek wives of Érimón; and Érimón gave him the wives of the men who were drowned at the Sandhills, namely Bres and Buas and Buaigne; and the surety of sun and moon against them that land should be taken [i.e. inherited] no less from the men among the Cruithne-folk than from women for ever.]
In that time of Érimón, the building of Dún Sobairce and Dún Cermna and Dún Binni and Carraig Brachaide in Murbolg, by Mantán son of Caicher; and the building of the Causeway of Inber Mór in the land of Ui Enechlais of Cualu by Amorgen son of Míl; and the building of Ráith Sailech in Fánat by Fulmán, and of Ráith Rigbaird in Muiresc by Étan s. Oicce, and of Ráith Croich in Árd Eitig by Ún s. Uicce. In this time was the burst of the seven Ríges of Laigin, of the seven Brosnas of Éile, of Eithne in Ui Néill, and of the three Sues in Connachta, also of Loch Riach, and Loch Réin, and of Loch Cimme and Loch Finnmaige in Connachta, of Loch Dá Cáech in Laigin, of Loch Laig in Ulaid, of Loch Buadach in Cera and of Loch Gréine. Of those matters the poet chanted thus —
- In the time of Eremon the wise the founding, with displays of husbandry, of showery Dun Sobairce, of Dún Binne and D†n Cermnai.
Dug by him were two forts of a great lord, in Airgetros keen and wild; at the Fortress of famous Crofhind, Ráith Ainninn, and Ráith Bethaig.
The founding of the Causeway of the Flood-tower no tuneful road and bugle, a road of great inlets in the South with smilings–(?) Inber Mor in the border of Cualu.
The founding of the crooked Rock of Bladraige of the generous sea; the burst of nine Ríges about Brosmag, the burst of nine Brosnas of Eile.
The burst of Eithne over the locks of Bith, the burst of the three Suc-streams; a binding of hostages beneath a right of course and a burst of seven lakes.
Loch Laiglinne by which he was drowned, Loch Cime with hundreds of mists, Loch Da Caech, a progress without rapine, spacious Loch Rein, Loch Riach.
- The queen of our troop, swarthy, masterful, swift, of lasting renown, a seed without display, although she settled in a fitting territory (?) it was comely in her time.
A battle is fought between Amorgen and Caicher in Cúl Caichir, and Caicher fell there. A battle is fought between Érimón and Amorgen, namely the battle of Bile Tened in Mide, and Amorgen, the judge and poet, fell there. The battle of Comraire broke before Érimón, wherein fell Én and Étán, the two sons of Oicce, and Ún son of Uicce.
Thereafter Érimón died in Airgetros, and his grave was dug there, and his stone was set up, at Eaitli Bethaig over the Nore, at the end of seventeen years of his reign; wherefore Eoehaid chanted of him —
- Prince Erimon the youthful warrior, his tomb was dug after a time of death in the silvery land of Ros Airget, on Mag Cetne of charioteers. The Kings After Érimón
II. MUIMNE, LUIGNE, LAIGNE. And his three sons took the kingship of Ireland, namely Muimne, Luigne, and Laigne; and they divided Ireland into three parts. Muimne died of plague in Gruachu. Luigne and Laigne fell in the battle of Árd Ladrann at the hands of the sons of Éber, Ér, Orba, Ferón, Fergna, in the third year of their reign.
III. ÉR, ORBA, FERON, FERGNA. A season had they in the kingship, till they fell at the hands of Íriel Fáid son of Érimón.
IV. ÍRIEL FÁID. Íriel Fáid, son of Érimón, youngest of the family, took the kingship of Ireland thereafter. Twelve plains were cleared by him–Mag Rechet and Mag Éile in Laigin, Mag Commair, Mag Sléibe in Ui Néill, Mag Sanais in Connachta, Mag nDairbrech in Mide, Mag Techet in Ui Mac Uais, Mag Lugna in Cíannachta of Glenn Gaimin, Mag Faithne in the Airtera, Mag nInis in Ulaid, Mag Cuile Feda in Airgialla. And seven royal forts were dug by him—Ráith Croich in Mag nInis, Ráith Baehair in Latharna, Ráith Chuingeda in Seimne, Ráith Modig, Ráith Buirg in Slechta, Ráith Loichit in Glascharn. Íriel fought the battle of Árd Inmaith in Tethba, wherein Suirge son of Dub fell. He broke the battle of Tenmag against Eochaid Echcenn, kimg of the Fomoire, and the battle of Loehmag. where Lug Roith son of Mofemis fell. Íriel died in Mag Muaide, in the tenth year of his reign, as the historian chanted–
- Íriel, youngest of the family, son of the king of Fotla of curling hair, king of Sliab Mis, king of Macha he broke four severe battles.
The battle of Cul Martha, good is that, wherein were slain the sons of Éber; renown for battle, for overcoming, had Ér, Orba, Ferón, Fergna.
The battle of Ard Inmaith in the North, where Suirge fell, hard in rapine, the battle of Tenmag which was severe, where Eochu Echcenn fell,
The battle of Lochmag, a mention unprohibited, where the son of Mofebis fell; twelve plains, we have them all certain, were cleared by the good man.
Of them was Mag Sele, be it named by thee, Mag Ele, Mag Rechet, Mag Sanais, Mag Techt without jealousy, Mag Faithne in Airtera,
Mag Dairbrech in Mide of horses, of them was Mag Lugna in Cianachta; Mag Inis thereafter in Ulaid Mag Cúile Feda in Fernmag.
There were dug thereafter by Iriel seven of the royal forts; Ráith Croich in noble Mag Inis, Ráith Cuinncedha, Ráith Bachain.
Ráith Loichit, Ráith Glaisse Cuilg, Ráith Modg and Ráith Buirg; ten years in princedom–he was a prince– had the son of Érimón, lofty and good.
- Muimne, Luigne, and Laigne, were the three sons of Odba without immodesty; Tea of Temair, firm her might, was the famous mother of Iriel.
V. ETHRIEL. Ethriel son of Íriel Fáid took the kingship of Ireland, and six plains were cleared by him: Tenmag in Connacht, Mag Lugair in Luigne, Mag Belaig in Ui Tuirtre, Mag Geisille in Ui Failge, Lochmag in Conaille, Mag Roth in Ui Echach Coba; till he fell in the battle of Rairin, at the hands of Conmáel son of Éber, in vengeance for his father, in the twentieth year of his reign. It is there that he died, at the hands of Conmáel. Of the deaths of these chieftains down to this the historian chanted thus–
- The chiefs of the expedition oversea when the Sons of Mil came, their names and their fates shall be a memory with me for many days.
Ebleo, Fúat, Brego–fortunate fame– Lugaid, Muirthemne from the sea-pool, Búas, Bres, Buaigne of the great virtues, Donn, Ir, Eber, Erimón.
Amorgen, Colptha without offence, Eber, Airech, Erannán, Cuailnge, Cualu, Nár likewise, Muimne, Luigne, and Laigne.
Fulmáan, Mantán, Suirge thereafter, Er, Orba, Ferón, Fregna, En, Un, Etán, Gosten the bright, Sétga, Suirge, Sobairche.
Palap son of Erimón the noble, and Caicher son fo Mantán, to avenge Ith of the Steeds– ten and thirty chieftains.
Brego died in tuneful Brega, Muirthemne died at the Great Pool, Cuailnge and Fúat, without their being weak, The Túatha Dé Danann slew them.
Cualu fell, I conceal it not, before Cremthann Shield-mouth, rich in herds; Blad, of plague in tuneful Bladma, Nár and Eibliu in Eibliu.
Amorgen, the poet of the men, died in the battle of Bile Tened; Ir died on Sceilic of the Spectres, Erennán died at the estuary.
Donn and Bile, and Buan his wife Díl, and Airech son of Míl, Búas, Bres, Buaigne with renown, were drowned at the Sandhills.
Sobairche the stately fell in his fort, at the hands of Eochu Echchenn; Mantán and Caicher of the woundings fell at the hands of Amorgen.
The death of Fulmán with men at the hands of Erimón at Slemain; Lugaid of the spears fell in battle, at the hands of the Fir Domnann.
Luigne and Laigne fell by the sons of Eber of shamelessness; the four just ones fell at the hands of Iriel s. Erimón.
The four sons of Eber yonder Er, Orba, Ferón, Fergna, their fame spread over the companies, Muimne died in Mag Cruachain.
In the battle on the Tenus of the Tribes on the plain where Eber fell, they fell together– Gosten, Sétga, and Suirge.
Un s. Uicce, high his grace, En and Etán of many colours, Erimón the tuneful, of renown fell in the battle of Comraire.
Suirge s. Dub of colour fell before Iriel the lofty, the good; Eber s. Ir, the man of gold, before Palap s. Erimón.
Palap the proud found (spear-) points in the sad battle of Geisill; there, briefly and fittingly, the death of the leaders of the hero-expedition
- Christ, [who art] above the clans, remember the grandson of Flann, from heroic Luigne; King of adornments and of judgements, Thou art the Abbot, Thou the Chief.
Of him the historian chanted this song–
- Ethriel son of Iriel, it was heard, twenty years had he in princedom; till he fell on the plain of the strong side by the hand of Conmáel with whom he combated.
He smoothed, great was the victory– he, grandson of Erimon of red arms, every one around him being laid low by his hand– the seven plains of great beauty.
Mag Belaig, which was never soft, Mag nGeisille in the land of the Gailioin, Tennmag, for its establishment without sorrow,v Glennmag, Lugair broad and great.
- In the province of the Ulaid firmly he smoothed a wood and a sloping valley; Rothmag in the distant land of Coba, Lochmag did Ethriel smooth.
VI. CONMÁEL. Conmáel son of Éber, the first king of Ireland from Mumu, broke twenty-five battles against the seed of Érimón, and was thirty years in the kingship of Ireland, till Tigernmas slew him, in the battle of Óenach Macha, in revenge for his father and his grandfather. Of him the historian chanted—
- Conmáel, the first prince out of Mumu over Ireland, it was fitting, Ethriel fell, with his good-will and Follach, son of Ethriel.
He broke, by force of gory sword, upon the noble seed of Érimón. the battles of Eile, of speckled Berre, and of Sliab Betha of speckled booths.
The battles of Ucha, of crooked Cnucha, of boggy Sliab Moduirn; early in the battle of Modorn fell Semroth. noble son of Inboth.
The battles of Cliar, of clear Carn Mór– where Follach the keen fell; of Loch Léin–he broke it swiftly against Mug Roith son of Mofebis.
For a space of thirty fortunate years submission was paid to the son of Eber; he fell in battle afterwards before Tigernmas son of Ollach.
- The Eoganachta together, the Cianachta, the Gailenga, the Luigne, Dál Cais, Ui Echach with beauty– those are the descendants of Conmáel.
Tigernmas son of Follach took the kingship thereafter, and broke thrice nine battles—before the end of a year against the progeny of Éber. By him were [drinking] horns first given in Ireland. By him was gold first smelted in Ireland, and colours were put upon garments, and fringes. By him were made ornaments and brooches of gold and silver. Iuchadán was the name of the wright who smelted the gold, in Foithri of Airther Life. And he was seventy and seven years in the kingship of Ireland, and he came but little short of destroying the progeny of Éber during that time. So he died in Mag Slecht, in the great Assembly thereof, with three-fourths of the men of Ireland in his company, in worship of Crom Cruaich, the king-idol of Ireland; so that there escaped thence, in that fashion, not more than one-fourth of the men of Ireland; unde Mag Slecht. In his time was the outburst of seven lakes—Loch Ailine and Loch Ce in Connachta, Loch Uair in Mide, Loch Febail in TÍr Eogain, Loch Silend in Cairpre, Loch Gabor in Brega, Dabal in Airgialla. The three black rivers of Ireland, Fubna, Torann, Callann.
VIII. EOCHU EDGATHACH. The fourth of the men of Ireland who escaped gave the kingship of Eochu Édgathach son of Daire Doimthech of the seed of Lugaid son of Íth. By him were made the manifold cheekerings upon the garments of Ireland—one colour in the garment of slaves, two in the garments of peasants, three in those of hirelings and fighting men, four in those of lordings, five in those of chieftains, six in those of men of learning and of poets, and seven in those of kings and of queens. From that there developed all the colours that are today in the vesture of a bishop. Unde cecinit Gilla Coemgen,
- Tigernmas son of lofty Follach prince over Banba of rough judgements, seven and seventy years in kingship over the Gáedil.
By him were smelted, it is a tuneful fame, ornaments of gold at first in Ireland; green, blue, purple together, by him were put upon garments.
By his hand fair Conmáel fell, the first king of Ireland from Mumu; twenty-seven battles he broke on the progeny of horny-skinned Conmáel.
The battle of Eile, evil was its ordering, where the king Rochorp fell; the battle of Lochmag, without smoothness, where Dagerne fell.
The battle of Cúl Ard with valour and the battle of Cúl Fróecháin; very great fury was the coming thither– the battles of Mag Techt, of Commar.
The battle of Cúl Athguirt, westward, then; the battle of Ard Niad in Connachta; the battle of Carn Feradaig of deeds; the battle of Cnámhchoill in Connachta.
The battle of Cúl Feda of clear causes, the cruel battle of Congnach, the battle of Tethba–strong was its excitement– the battle of Cluain Min of Muirisc.
Two battles of Cúl I have together, the battles of Eile and of Berre; also seven battles, it is no falsehood, at Loch Luigdech in one day.
Two other battles, as it was heard, in the one hour, in Argatros; three battles against the Fir Bolg, a battle against the Erna–it was no women’s ordering.
Yonder in the time of Tigernmas, there broke forth seven lake-bursts; Loch Uair in Mide, in clear manner, Loch Cé and Loch Ailinde.
Loch Silenn in fair Cairpre, Loch Febail in Tír Eogain, Loch Gabair of the bountiful king; the burst of Daball in Airgialla.
The burst of three black rivers there, Fubna, Torann, and Callann, about Mag Slecht in strong Breifne. the noble death of Tigernmas.
The men of Alba, the Laigne, Conn’s Half, the progeny of Lugaid in Liathdruim, Eogan, the progeny of Conall Cas, those are the seed of Tigernmas.
He who was king afterwards, was Eochu son of Dáire Doimthech, four years over Banba was the lord strong.
- Christ with the power and the renown, strong over every very pure king, Prince of the great Nine Grades of Heaven, King of the Earth with fruitfulness.
IX. SOBAIRCE AND CERMNA. Sobairce and Cermna Finn took the kingship of Ireland — the two sons of Ebric s. Éber s. Ír of the Ulaid; the first kings of Ireland from the Ulaid. They divided Ireland into two, each of them from his fort; Dún Sobairce and Dún Cermna. It is by Cermna that Eochu Édgathach fell, in the battle of Temair. They were forty years in the kingship. Sobairce fell at the hands of Eochu Menn, son of the king of the Fomoire; Cermna Finn fell at the hand of Eochu Fáebarglas son of Conmáel, in the battle of Dún Cermna, ut dicitur
The death of Sobairce in his fort by Eochu Menu across the rampart; the death of Cermna in the crooked battle by Eochu Finn Fáebarglas.
Dun Sobairce, a swift pool of hosts, the sea to the Red Poi)it lies beneath it; a face against the great sea I vaunt, a pleasant protection ever Ireland.
Watchdogs of Emain for whom it was a place assembly-tower of wrath against oppression;. with valorous multitudes of heroes, from the glorious fortresses of Ulaid.
A place wherein was the queen of a mighty man, of Celtchair of wolf-packs, a prudent champion, Findabar, white was her bright smile, besides being a woman she was a warrior.
The true place, truly good, of Fodla, a protection of laws, well-guarding, shapely, a wall which the paths of the great sea used to serve, a fort where the warriors of Emain used to be.
A few Ulaid came, a people by whom princes were subdued, they purged its true woodland mane, the royal hosts of [Dál] Riada took it.
I speak of the choice troop of kings, the lasting glory of Conaire, slender and fair; a progeny, according to truth, as I relate of a king who took pleasant Ireland.
For it is Patrick who taught, it is he by whom their fruits were apportioned; he saluted a pair with great fame of the seed of Erc and of Olchu.
When that the son of Calpurn blessed it he found a homestead for his noble children; a fort with breadth over the pool of crews– never will foreigners plough it.
The apostle of Ireland, after renewal, a clear stately ascent of the King of Mystery; the son of Calpurn, gold of our sainthood, with the valorous king Cermna.
Sobairce of hosts, of spears, a foreshadowing of the household of Temair(?)– the landscape of tuneful Banba was divided by him with the valorous king Cermna.
So that their two trusty forts are a discernment of mysteries with followings of courses over the laughing wave, against its thunder there, on the two borders of Ireland.
Dún Sobairce of spears is a sally-port of support of Ulaid; Dún Cermna, which is not narrow, is concealed southward on the lively sea of Mumu.
Good the two kings whom I reckon, true princes as I relate; with poetic strength they were worthy, they were high kings over Ireland.
A season before the time of battle of weapons, of Nuadu of Fál, of the household of Temair, her clean white lawns were shared between Sobairce and Cermna.
The appearance of her champions long after the time of the Sons of Míl, is good sense; upon our land, as it is related, homage was paid to the troop of forts.
Two steadfast rocks, two enduring gryphons, two brethren with rich virtue, two precious stones with noble strength, chieftains over noble Ireland.
Most noble among kings, the King of the Sun quenched them to the dust; though very long was their reign, of the generation of the chief of the Fort.
Let us adore the White King of the Sun, guide of my reason to an hundred mysteries, who hath spread abroad every grace, every kingdom, who hath fashioned the generation of every man.
X. EOCHU FÁEBARGLAS. Eochu Fáebarglas son of Conmáel took the kingship of Ireland. It is he who broke the battles of Luachair Dedaid and of Fossad Dá Gort against the children of Érimón, and of Comair Trí nUisci and of Tuaim Dreccon [and] of Druim Liathain. It is there that Smirgoll s. Enboth s. Tigemmas fell. Seven plains were cleared by him: Mag Smerthach in Ui Failge, Mag nAidne and Mag Luirg in Connachta, Mag Emir and Mag Lemna and Mag Fubna and Mag Dá Gabal; in Airgialla are they. Eochu fell at the hands of FÍacha Labrainne s. Smirgoll s. Smerthach s. Enboth s. Tigernmas, in the battle of Carman, in revenge for his father; unde poet a cecinit
- Eochu, Edge of the Warrior-band, was no danger to his generation; the grandson of Eber spent afterwards twenty years in the kingship.
By his hand there fell without sloth Cermna, of Fál, clear his understanding; and Inboth, grandson of Follach, in the battle of the Meeting of Three Waters.
The battle of Fossad Dá Gort of warriors, the battle of furious Tuaim Dreccon; against Smirgoll with his peoples, he broke the battle of Luachair Dedad.
There fell by Eochu the terrible the grandson of Tigernmas of the kingly hands, the son of Inboth, Smirgoll the wealthy, in the fight of Druim Liatháin.
Cleared by him smoothly were seven plains right and fitting; Mag Smethrach in Ui Failge, Mag Luirg and Mag nAidne.
Mag Lemna and Mag nEnir, Mag Fubna, white its seat; by the Son of Conmáel with purity on the side of Mag Dá Gabal.
- By the son of Smirgoll with brilliance, Fiacha Labrainne with diligence, there fell, when he was off his guard, Eochu, Edge of the Warrior-band.
XII. EOCHU MUMU. Eochu Mumu son of Mofebis took the kingship of Ireland, from whom is Mumu named; and he broke many battles against the children of Érimón. He was twenty-one years in the kingship, till he fell at the hands of Óengus Olmucach son of Fíachu Labrainne, in a fair fight. This is why he was called Olmuccaid; the daughter of Mogaeth Mór-ólach (the great drinker), son of Mofebis, was his mother, and she gave great drinkings; or “the great drink of Mogaeth”, etc.
XIII. ÓENGUS OLMUCAID. Óengus Olmucaid s. Fiacha took the kingship of Ireland, and broke the battles of Cliar, of Cuirche, and óf Sliab Cailge in the territory of Corco Baiscinn–against the Mairthine was it broken–and the battle of Glas Fráecháin in which Fráechan Fáid fell. Also he broke fifty battles against the Cimithentuath, and against the Fir Bolg; twelve battles against the Longobardi; and four against the Colosi; the battle of Cuil Ratha in Desmumu against the Martra, and the battle of Carn Richeda against the Martra in addition; the battle of Sliab Cua against the Ema; and the battle of Ard Achaid, in which Smirgoll s. Smethra king of the Fomoire fell. In his time was the burst of Loch Oenbeithe in Ui Cremthainn, and of Loch Sailech, and of Loch Cassan, and the seaburst between Eba and Rosceite in Ui Flachrach. Seven plains were cleared by him–Mag nÓensciath in Laigin, Mag Glinni Dechon in Cenél Conaill, Mag Cúli Coel in Cenél Bogaitie, Ailmag in Callraige, Mag Mucrima and Mag Luirg in Connachta, Mag Luachra Dedad, Mag Arcaill in Ciarraige Luachra. Thereof the historian sang–
- Óengus Olmucaid the glorious was king for great Banba thrice seven years, without jealousy after slaying Eochu Mumu.
Good was the king, a choice of a prince by whom an hundred cruel battles were broken; along with the fifty, with fortune, which he broke against the men of Alba.
He broke twelve battles afterwards in Italy against the Lombards; by Oengus of Macha, without folly, four battles against the Colais.
The battle of Cliar, the battle of crooked Cuirche, the battle of Sliab Cailce of great stakes, the battle of Ros Fraechain with points of javelins, and the battle of Carn Richeda,
The battle of Cul Ratha, the battle of Cua against the Erna–no tale of tiresome falsehood- the battle of Ard Achaid, high its fame, in which Smirgoll son of Smethra was slain.
The burst of four lakes separately– Lochs Oenbeithe, Sailech, Cassan, and a sea-burst, in brilliant wise, between Eba and Ros Ceite.
Cleared by him were seven plains Mag Glinne Dechon of beautiful aspect, Mag Muccrama, a long work, Mag Cuile Cael, Mag nOensciath.
- Aelmag, Mag Archaill of the ramparts, and Mag Luachra Dedad; by the fair poet with an hundred graces, all by the learned Óengus.
Óengus Olmucaid fell at the hands of Énna Airgdech, s. Eochu of Mumu, in the battle of Carman, unde poeta cecinit–
- Óengus Olmucaid died, Enna son of Eochu slew him, in the battle of Carman, with hundreds of heads, wherein were the honourable ones of Ireland.
Énna who was a prince of Fal to the rampart, it is he who apportioned to the Gaedil steeds and chariots–it was heard,– [and] silver shields in Argatros.
Let us speak of his fate after victory on the crimson plains of Raigne at the hands of Rotechtaid, very noble, of great knowledge, of the son of Moen son of Fergus.
Giallchad was king, a prop of rank whose son was Nuadu Finn Fail; Sirna son of Den the beloved was king and Rotechtaid was king.
Nuadu quenched–an unshared strength– the great authority of the host of Breogan’s seed; though evil, sharp, and slender, modest his manner, he was king of Ireland alone.
Thereafter comes the people of Ulaid they took a warlike kingdom; by them was reckoned the royal troop, the plain of the Sons of Míl alone.
- I believe in the mighty Trinity, King of every royal road, very divine; Who is, was, and shall be, over every sea, Who is Two, Three, and One Person.
XIV. ENNA AIRGDECH. Then Énna Airgdech took the kingship of Ireland. By him were made silver shields in Argatros, and he gave them to the leaders of Ireland. He was twenty-seven years in the kingship of Ireland, till he fell at the hands of Rothechtaid s. Maen s. Óengus Olmucaid in the battle of Raigne.
XX. OLLOM FOTLA. Ollom Fotla s. Fíachu Finscothach in the kingdom thereafter for a space of forty years. From him is named Ulaid, “the big side” from Ollom; and by him was the Assembly of Temair first convened; and by him was the Rampart of the Scholars made in Temair. Six of his descendants took the kingship of Ireland, with no one between them. And a natural death he died alone, within his Rampart.
XXI. FINNACHTA. Finnachta s. Ollom; there was snow of wine in his reign. Of plague he died, in Mag Inis in Ulaid. Twenty years had he in the kingdom.
XXII. SLÁNOLL. Slánoll s. Ollom, there was no disease during his reign. And it is unknown what disease carried him off, but he was found dead [in the Midchuart House in Temair]; yet his colour changed not, and his body decayed not. He was taken from the earth by his son, Ailill, to find out [how he was], at the end of forty years; [and his body was not decayed]. He had thirty years in the kingship.
XXIII. GÉDE OLLGOTHACH. Géide Ollgothach s. Ollom took the kingship of Ireland. Sweet as the strings of a zither was the voice and singing of every man in his reign. Fíachu s. Fíadchú slew him.
XXIV. FÍACHU FINDOILCHES. Fíachu Findoilches s. Fínnachta, thirty years. All the cattle of Ireland had white heads in his reign. By him was built the fortress of Cúl Sibrille, that is, Cenannas. It is he who appropriated [a tax of] the white-headed cattle of Ireland. Fíachu fell at the hands of Berngal s. Géide in vengeance for his father.
XXV. BERNGAL. Berngal s. Géide took the kingship of Ireland. It is in his reign that com failed from Ireland, for the greatness of war and he fell thereafter at the hands of Ailill s. Slánoll.
XXVI. AILILL. Ailill s. Slánoll took the kingship afterwards, fifteen [or sixteen] years, till he fell at the hands of Sirna s. Dian s. Denol [or Damal]. Thereof Fercertne chanted–
- Ollom Fotla, fierce in valour, marked out the Scholars’ Rampart; the first mighty king, with grace, by whom the Festival of Temair was convened.
Fifty years, it was tuneful fame, was he in the High-kingship over Ireland; so that from him, with fortunate freedom, the Ulaid received naming.
Six kings ruled, a roll with valour over Ireland after Ollom; two hundred and ten years, strong in jealous; no one came between them.
Finnachta, Slanoll with grace, and Geide Oilgothach, Fíachu, Ailill expert in arms with grace, and the war-warrior Berngal.
Ollom was loftier, without reproach, the keen son of Fíachu Finnscothach; nobler than every king (royal his countenance) of the children of Ir son of Míl.
The great progeny of Rudraige, a famous saying, the martial heroes of Craeb Ruad, (in their place pride took them) this is the stock of Ollom.
Labraid Loingsech, sufficient his tally, who slew Cobthach in Dinn Rig; with a spear-armed host over the sea-pool, whence Laigin is wont to take its name,
Eochu Mumo, greatest of every great one king of Ireland, son of Mofemis, from him is the name of Mumu so long as it endures, the name of Ulaid from Ollom.
- Connacht from the progeny (icht) of Conn of the Battles, the height which every scholar knows; a host fitting for helpfulness; and Ulaid comes from Ollom.
XXVII. SÍRNA SOEGALACH. Now Sírna s. Dian s. Demal s. Rothechtaid s. Maen s. Óengus, he it is who separated the princedom of Ulaid from Temair; and it was he who avenged Rothechtaid s. Maen, his father’s grandfather, upon them. This is that Rothechtaid whom the Ulaid slew in treachery in Cruachu. Berngal fell then at the hands of Sírna s. Dian, along with Ailill; Ailill fell at his (Sírnás) hands thereafter. This is that Sírna who was an hundred years in battle against the Ulaid. He took the kingship thereafter. It is he who broke the battle of Aircheltra against the Ulaid, and the battle of Sliab Airbrig, and tlie battle of Cend Dúin in Asal, and the battle of Moin Foiehnig in Ui Failge against the Mairtine and the Erna. In his time hosting began in Ireland; and in his time was the battle of Móin Trógaide in Cianachta : that is, Lugair s. Lugidoth brought the Fomoire over Ireland with him. The Men of Ireland assembled to Moin Trogaide to fight against the Fomoire. When they were in the thick of the battle a plague broke out over them, so that the Men of Ireland died there, and Lugair and Ciasam the king of the Fomoire died, as well as Sirna king of Ireland, ut quiclam dicunt. But other scholars say that it was in Alinn that he fell, at the hands of Rothechtaid Roth s. Ronán, quod uerius est. Of him the poet chanted as follows–
- Sírna Sóeglach, free the prince, an hundred and fifty years ever good, was his life, under a fair border till he fell before Rothechtaid.
The burst of Scirthech in his time and the burst of Duailt; in his time there burst forth Nith, sacred, pearly.
In the time of Sírna son of Dian was the beginning of hostings, straight as rods, everyone went forth from the land of Mide against the race of the Fomoraig.
Sírna fought with ranks of spears the battle of Cenn Duin, the battle of Airceltra, the battle of Móin Foichnig, a lucky cause, the two battles in Sliab Airbrig.
Glorious there, was the other battle which was made in Món Trógaide, where there fell in its floods the men of Ireland and the Fomoraig.
- Lugair son of Lug fell, going round the slaughter; and Ciasarn, even without fighting– thereat was Sirna pleased, not displeased.
Item de eodem–
- The battle of Moin Trogaide in the East, where the Fomoraig fell, he it is who gave it, at the strong mound, Lugaid son of Lugaid the white-handed.
Hence is stony Moin Trogaide, (from) the sorrowful deaths of the youths of Ireland; and the Fomoraig yonder without smiting of a high battle.
The host which came to the unlucky battle each of them on the two sides; darts of valour did not wound them– they were dead on Moin Trogaide.
Ciasarn son of Dorcha with colour was king of the family of the Fomoraig; he came over Mumu abroad with Lugair, in five battles.
- The battle of Luachair, the battle of fair Cliar, the battle of Samain, the battle of Cnoc Ochair, the fifth battle, without blame, was the battle of Móin Trógaide.
Then Sírna fell at the hands of Rothechtaid in Alind.
XXVIII. ROTHECHTAID. Rothechtaid Rotha was seven years in the kingship of Ireland, till lightning burnt him in Dún Sobairce. By him were four-horse chariots first introduced into Ireland.
XXIX. ELIM. Elim Olfínechta took the kingship of Ireland one year, till he fell at the hands of Giallchad s. Ailill Olcháin s. Sírna.
XXX. GÍALLCHAD. Gíallchad took the kingship for a space of nine years. He took a hostage from every five men in Mumu; so he fell in Mag Muiaide at the hands of Art Imlech s. Elim.
XXXI. ART IMLECH. Art Imlech took the kingship of Ireland for twelve years; and seven forts were dug by him, till Nuadu Finn Fail s. Gíallchad slew him.
XXXII. NUADU FINN FÁIL. Nuadu Finn Fáil was sixty [or forty] years in the kingship of Ireland. He fell at the hands of Bres Rí s. Art Imlech.
XXXIII. BRES. Bres took the kingship [nine years], and broke many battles against the Fomoire, till he died in Carn Conluain.
XXXIV. EOCHU APTHACH. Eochu Apthach of Corco Laigde s. Lugaid; or s. Art s. Éber Brecc s. Lugaid Cal; one year in the kingship thereafter. There was a plague every month in his reign, that is, twelve plagues in the year. Eochu fell at the hands of Finn s. Blath s. Labraid Condelg s. Corpre s. Ollom Fotla. Or it was of plague that he died.
XXXV. FINN. Finn s. Blath took the kingship for a space of twenty years, till he fell at the hands of Sétna Art Inarraid s. Bres, in Mumu.
XXXVI. SÉTNA INNARRAID. Sétna Innarraid s. Bres, he is the first who gave wage [“innarrad”] to hirelings in Ireland. He was twenty years in the kingship of Ireland, till he fell at the hands of Siomon Brace.
XXXVII. SIOMÓN BRECC. Siomón Brecc s. Aedán Glas s. Nuadu Finn, six years in the kingship of Ireland, till he fell at the hands of Dui Finn s. Sétna Innarrad.
XXXVIII. DUI FINN. Dui Finn, ten years till Muiredach Bolgrach s. Siomon slew him.
XXXIX. MUIREDACH BOLGRACH. Muiredaeh a month and a year had he in the kingship, till he fell at the hands of Énna Derg s. Dui.
XL. ÉNNA DERG. Énna Derg, twelve years had he in the kingship, till he died of plague in Sliab Mis, with great troops in his company.
XLI. LUGAID ÍARDONN. Lugaid Íardonn s. Énna, nine years in the kingship till he fell at the hands of Sírlam in Ráith Clochrain.
XLII. SÍRLÁM. Sírlám s. Finn [s. Blath] thirteen years in the kingship, till Eochu Uairches s. Lugaid slew him. His arm would reach the ground when he was standing.
XLIII. EOCHU UAIRCHES. Eochu Uairches, twelve years had he in exile over sea. This is why he was called Uairches by reason of his being driven forth by Sírlám. Other twelve years had he in the kingship, till he fell at the hands of the sons of Congal s. Lugaid Cal, namely Eochu and Conaing Bececlach. The historians are in doubt about those two, at whose hand Eochu Uairches fell, namely Eochu Fíadmuine and Conaing Bececlach. Some say that Eochu was son of Congal, and that Conaing Beceelach was son of Dui s. Muiredaeh s. Siomón; and that they had the same mother as Eochu Uairches s. Lugaid.
XLIV. EOCHU AND CONAING. Eochu and Conaing, five years in joint rule, one half to Eochu, the other to Conaing; the northern half to Conaing. Eochu Fíadmuine fell at the hands of Lugaid s. Eochu Uairches.
XLV. LUGAID LÁMDERG. Lugaid, seven years, till he fell at the hands of Conaing Bececlach.
XLVI. CONAING. Conaing Bececlach, ten years had he in the high kingship of Ireland. For this cause was he called Bec-eclach, for never came terror or fear upon him, at all. Art s. Lugaid slew him.
XLVII. ART. Art s. Lugaid s. Eochu, six years was he in the kingship of Ireland, till he fell at the hands of Dui Ladgrach s. Fíachu Tolgrach, and of Fíachu himself.
XLVIII. AILILL FINN. Ailill Finn s. Art, nine years in the kingship, till he fell at the hands of Airgetmar and of Fíachu, son of Dui s. Fíachu together. A battle was fought between Airgetmar and Fíachu Tolgrach in Óenach Taillten, which went against Airgetmar. A battle was fought between them in Brega, and Ílachu Tolgrach fell in that battle. The men of Mumu assembled thereafter, in the company of Eochu s. Ailill Finn, of Lugaid mac Echach Fíadmuine, and of Dui Ladrach, with the descendants of Érimón, and they drave out Airgetmar oversea for a space of seven years.
XLIX. EOCHU. Eochu s. Ailill Finn during that time was in the kingship of Ireland, till Airgetmar came over sea and made peace with Dui Ladrach : so Eochu fell at their hands in Óenach Áine.
L. AIRGETMAR. Airgetmar, thirty years thereafter in the kingship, till he fell at the hands of Dui Ladrach and of Lugaid Laidech.
LI. DUI LADRACH. Dui Ladrach in the kingship thereafter, ten years, till Lugaid Laidech slew him.
LII. LUGAID LAIGDECH. Lugaid Laigdech, seven years had he in the kingship till he fell at the hands of Aed Rúad s. Badarn s. Aigetmar.
[HERE IS THE DINNSHENCHAS ERENN, FOUNDATION OF MACHA –Macalister has omitted this; I’ve added the text from O’Curry:
What is Emain Macha named from? It is not difficult to tell? Three kings that were over Erinn in co-sovereignty; they were of the Ultonian race, namely, Dithorba, son of Diman, from Usniuch of Midhe (Meath); Aedh Ruadh, son of Bádhurn, son of Argatmar, from Tír Aedha; Cimbaeth, son of Fintan, son of Argatmar, from Finnabhair of Magh Inis. These kings, now, made an arrangement, that each man of them should reign seven years [in turn].
There were three times seven guarantees between them [namely]: seven Druids, seven poets, seven military leaders [or captains]. The seven Druids to scorch them by incantations; the seven poets to satirize and denounce them; the seven captains to wound and to burn them, if each man of them did not vacate the sovereignty at the end of his seven years; and to maintain the [evidences of the] righteousness of a sovereign, namely: abundance of fruit every year; and no failure of the dye-stuffs of every colour; and women not to die in childbirth. They revolved three revolutions each man of them in the sovereignty, that is, sixty-three [years, in all]. Aedh Ruadh was the first of them that died, i.e. of drowning, he died in Eas-Ruaidh, and his body was buried in that hill [Sidh] unde Sidh Aedha [Aedh’s hill], and Es-Ruaidh [or, the Redhaired Man’s Cataract]. This Aedh left no children but one daughter, Macha Mong-Ruadh [that is, Redhaired Macha] was her name. She demanded her father’s turn of the sovereignty. Cimbaeth and Dithorba said that they would not give sovereignty to a woman.
There was a battle fought between them, and Macha gained the battle. She spent seven years in the sovereignty. Dithorba was killed in the Corann in that time. He left five good sons, namely, Baeth, and Bras, and Betach, and Uallach, and Borbchas. These demanded the sovereignty. Macha said that she would not resign it to them, because it was not from securities she had obtained it, but in the battle-field by force. A battle was fought between them, Macha gained the battle over the sons of Dithorba, so that they left a slaughter of heads with her; and she sent them into banishment afterwards into the wildernesses of Connacht. Macha after that took Cimbaeth to her to be her husband, and to take on him the command of her soldiers.
When Macha and Cimbaeth had thus formed an union, Macha set out to discover the sons of Dithorba, in the shape of a leprous woman, i.e., having rubbed herself with the dough of rye and rota [some kind of red colouring stuff]. And she found them in Bairinn of Connacht, cooking a wild hog. The men asked news of her, and she told them, and they gave her food at that fire. A man of them said: “Beautiful is the eye of the hag: let us cohabit with her”. He took her with him into the wood. She tied that man by main strength, and she left him in the wood. She came again to the fire. “What of the man who went with you?” said they. “He was ashamed”, said she, “to come back to you after cohabiting with a leprous woman”. “It is no shame”, said they, “for we will all of us do the same”. Each man of them took her into the wood. She tied each man of them by her strength, and carried them in one tie with her to Ulster. The Ultonians proposed to have them killed. “ Not so”, said she, “ because it would be the defilement of the righteousness of a sovereign to me; but they shall be condemned to slavery, and shall raise a Rath around me, and it shall be the chief city of Ulster for ever”. And she marked for them the Dún with her brooch of gold [Eó óir] from her neck [or at her neck], i.e. Emuin, i.e. Eomuin, i.e. the Eó [brooch] of Macha at her neck. [Eó and muin, brooch and neck.]
LIII. CIMBÁETH. Now Cimbáeth, the first prince of Emain Macha, twenty-eight years was his reign in Emain.
Cimbáeth died, unde poeta–
- Cimbáeth, summit of the (warrior) youths of Emain took the fruitful land of Temair; spouse of Macha–greatness of pride– head of battle of the Red Branch.
Though it was dug by noble Macha– by the lofty daughter of Aed Rúad– Emain of lustfulness (?), a heritage of heroes it was Cimbáeth who was its first prince.
Let the historians of your possession hear– O ye noble Ulaid of Emain!– the names of your kings, of division of rulers from Cimbáeth to Conchobor.
Cimbáeth mac Fintain from the plain, Eochu of Emain of just knowledge, Umanchenn mac Corrain the fair, Conchobor Rot mac Cathair,
Fíachu mac Feidlimid the good, and Daire mac Forgo, Enna mac Rathai, it was not too soon, and Fiacc son of Findchu,
Finnchad son of Bacc from his hill Conchobor Máel son of Futhe; Cormac son of Loichet took it, along with Mochta son of Murchorad,
Eochu son of Daire from (Mag) Roth Eochu Sálbuide son of Loch, Fergus son of Liath with grace, Conchobor the fair son of Cathub.
Four hundred mighty years– every sage of history relates it– was the length of their dominion–of the wise men– from Conchobor to Cimbáeth.
Macha, who had the Temair-house by whom was insufferable Emain dug, suppressed the generation of the heroes, extended the kingdom, before Cimbáeth.
Four hundred and fifty years, every sage of free intellect relates it, (though he see it contrary to the fact of wisdom) till Christ was born, after Cimbáeth.
Fergus Foga of valorous hewing, the last prince of Ulaid in Emain, the fifteenth king, a strong division, who took Emain after Conchobor.
The battle of the three Collas on Fernmag, after their coming into Temair; the prudent one after the honours of their music (?) Fergus son of Fraochar Fortrén.
Empty is Emain of a hedge that polluted it not (?) slain the king of divisions of royal castles, a space of thrice fifty years from the distant battle, to the Faith.
Nine hundred years without trouble, a saying against the reason of the Red Branch (?) till Fergus Foga, who was a warrior, from [the time when] Cimbáeth was king of Coba.
From when Macha, with thousands of warriors, was in Temair with Cimbáeth, to the People of Temair-land thereafter, who of them was contemporary?
From the time of Nuadu Finn of Fál till the time of Ugaine the Great he subdued Géde without retribution, till Ireland was settled.
Dui Ladrach, wide in fame, father of Eochu Buadach, he it was, with no wise glorious (?) kingship, who was of like age with Cimbáeth,
- From when Labraid, of swiftness of spears, slew Cobthach Cóel in Dinn Ríg, fifty years, it is no empty judgement, was the step of length after Cimbáeth.
This is that Cimbáeth who nurtured Ugaine Mor, s. Eochu.
LIV. MACHA. Now Macha was seven years in the regality after Cimbáeth, till she fell at the hands of Rechtad Rigderg s. Lugaid s. Eochu s. Ailill Find s. Art s. Lugaid Lamderg s. Eochu Uairches.
LV. RECHTAID RÍGDERG. Rechtaid Rígderg took the king-ship of Ireland twenty years, till Ugoine Mór, foster-son of Cimbáeth and Macha slew him. He it is who slew Reehtaid Rígderg, in vengeance for his foster-mother. Thereafter the princedom of the Ulaid was sundered from Temair.
LVI. UGOINE MÓR. Ugoine the Great s. Eochu Buadach took the kingship of Ireland and of Alba to the Sea of Wight, and he took the daughter of the king of the Franks to wife, namely, Cessair Chrothach d. of the king of the Franks. And she bore twenty-five children to him, twenty-two sons and three daughters. Some say that Ugoine took the kingship of all Europe, and divided Ireland into twenty-five shares (as under). Ireland was thus divided for three hundred years, till the Provincials came, namely, Conchobor and Curoi and Eochu mac Luchta and Ailill mac Mata. Of that the historian chanted–
- Ugoine proud and glorious, who had the conquering palace of Banba; divided by his children aright was Ireland into twenty-five shares.
Cobthach Cóel-Breg over Bregia, Cobthach of Muirthemne, rich in mead, Loiguire Lore in Life, Fuillne in Feb, no true summit (?).
The Nairne in Nár-plain, sparkling the place, Fergen, born in Raigne, Narb in Magh Nairb, slain on this side (?) and Cuan in Airget Ros.
Tairr in Mag Tharra with jealousy, and Triath in Treithirne; Sin in Luachair–is mentioned clearly– Bard in the harbours of Corcach.
Fergus Cnae in the south-land, Ord in Aidne of lofty brightness; Moen in Moen-magh with abundance of strength Sanb in glorious Magh Ai.
Muiredach Mál in Cliu Máil, Eochu in Seól-mag of free rank, Letha aside over Latharna, Marc over Mide of the Sons of Míl.
Laeg in Line, shining his colour, son of Ugoine son of Eochu, they divided that very peaceful land those twenty-two kings.
Aine, Faife, white her countenance, Muirisc from Mag Muirisce, Aille, very white with colour, were the three daughters of Ugoine.
There were six divisions of Ireland hither which the Túatha Dé Danann had; thereafter the surface of Fál was reckoned [surveyed] by the sons of Míl of Spain.
The division of the three grandsons of the Dagda wide, and the division of the two sons of Míl, the division of Sobairce and of white Cermna, was an hundred years over Ireland.
Three hundred years–lasting the partition– till the Provincials came– five men without Faith in Christ divided the Ireland of Ugoine.
The division of the Provincials, sons of Coll, the division of Mug Nuadat and of Conn– more noble than all the divisions, for he was a king, the sons of Ugoine divided it.
There active seed is not, save only Cobthach and Loiguiri; till the capturing by Nathí smiled was the destroying race of Ugoine.
- Eochu ua Floinn who found every law, who stitched the history free and right, a stately sage of every prosperity he, descendant of Cobthach mac Ugoine.
Ugoine fell at the hands of his own brother, Bodbchad s. Eochu, in Telach-in-Choscair in Mag Maireda in Brega. None of the progeny of Ugoine left children, except Cobthach Cóel Breg and Loiguire Lore, and two daughters, whom Fergus Cnai left, namely, Maer and Medan. Maer was the mother of Eochu mac Luchta, and Medan nurtured him; but this cannot be true, on account of the length of the times involved. It is from Cobthach that there come the four families of Temair, Colmán, Aed Sláine, Conall and Eogan; and the three Connachta, with nine cantreds in each divisioni; and the nine cantreds of Airgialla, and the nine ciantreds of the Dessi, Fothairt and Eraind and Alban and Dál Riata and Dál Fiatach, that is, the kings of the Ulaid.
[A List of the Family of Ugoine Mor, and the Territories apportioned among them; Macalister doesn’t translate this:]
1 Cobthach Cael Breg, i mBregaib 2 Cobthach Muirthemni i m-Muirthemne 3 Loegaire Lorc i Life 4 Fuilliu i Feib 5 Ailbe i m-Maig Ailbe 6 Roigne i m-Maig Roigne 7 Cingiu in Airgetros 8 Nár i m-Maig Náir 9 Narb i m-Maig Nairb 10 Faife i m-Maig Fhemen 11 Tairr i m-Maig Tharra 12 Triath i m-Maig Threithniu 13 Mál i Cliú Máil. 14 Sen i Clochair 15 Bard i Cluain Corco Óche 16 Fergus Cnai in Desib Tuascirt 17 Oce in Aidniu 18 Maen i m-Maenmaig 19 Sanb in Aíu 20 Eocho hi Seólu 21 Corand i Corund 22 Laeg i I-Line 23 Lathar i I-Latharnu 24 Marc i m-Mide 25 Muiresc i m-Maig Murisce
LVII. LOIGUIRE LORC. Cobthach was fifty years in the kingship of Ireland and his brother’s son slew him, namely Labraid Lonn. As for Loiguire Lore himself, it is he who took the kingship of Ireland after Ugoine Mór, till Cobthach Cóel Breg slew him in treachery.
LVIII. COBTHACH CÓEL BREG. And further the same Cobthach slew his son (this Loeguire’s), namely Ailill Aine; and he exiled Labraid Lonn s. Ailill s. Loiguire Lore over sea, till he made peace with him, at the end of thirty years and gave him the province of the Gailian, namely Laigin. From that onward was there war between Leth Cuind and Laigin. Then Cobthach Cóel Breg fell in Dinn Ríg, with thirty kings around him, on Great Christmas night, at the hands of Labraid Loingsech, in vengeance for his father and his grandfather. Three hundred and seven years from that night to the night when Christ was born in Bethlehem of Juda.
LIX. LABRAID LOINGSECH. Labraid Loingseeh took the kingdom of Ireland for a space of nineteen [aliter thirty] years. There was vengeance upon the children of Cobthach in the time of Labraid Loingsech, till Labraid fell at the hands of Melge Molbthach, s. Cobthach.
LX. MELGE. Meilge took the kingship of Ireland. From hira is Loch Melge in Coirpre named. When his grave was dug it is there that the lake burst over the land. Melge fell at the hands of Mac Corb s. Mac Rechtada in Mumu.
LXI. MUG CORB. Six years to Mug Corb till he fell at the hands of Óengus Ollam, grandson of Labraid.
LXII. ÓENGUS OLLOM. Óengus Ollom, eighteen [years] in the kingship of Ireland, till he fell at the hands of Irereo s. Melge.
LXIII. IREREO. Irereo s. Melge took the kingship for a space of seven years, till he fell in Ulaid at the hands of Fer Corb s. Mug Corb.
LXIV. FER CORB. Fer Corb fell at the hands Connla Caem s. Irereo.
LXV. CONNLA. Connla, four years till he died in Temair.
LXVI. AILILL CAISFIACLACH. Ailill Casfiaclaeh s. Connla, twenty-five years in the kingship of Ireland, till Amadir Flidais Foltchain slew him.
LXVII. AMADIR. Amadir s. Fer Cuirb, five years in the kingship of Ireland, till he fell at the hands of Eochu Ailtlethan.
LXVIII. EOCHU AILTLETHAN. Eochu Ailtlethan, eleven [years] till he fell at the hands of Fergus Fortamail.
LXIX. FERGUS FORTAMAIL. Fergus Fortamail, twelve [years] till he fell at the hands of Óengus Tuirmech [Temrach].
LXX. ÓENGUS TUIRMECH TEMRACH. As for Óengus Tuirmech, at him there comes the union of the descendants of Conn with Dál Ríata and Dál Fíatach. Énna Airgdech s. Óengus Tuirmech, of him are the descendants of Conn. Fíacha Fer Mara, of him are the Erainn, and the Albanaig, and Dál Fíatach. Óengus Tuirmech begat that Fíacha upon his own daughter in drunkenness, and put him in a boat of one hide upon the sea, out from Dún Aignech, with the trappings of a king’s son–a purple robe with a golden fringe. Fisher-folk found him in Tráig Brenainn amid his treasures, and thence had he his name, Fíacha Fer-Mara: and his children took the kingship of Ireland and of Alba, to wit, Eterscél Mór, grandson, of Iar, whom the Laigin slew in Almain, and Conaire Mór s. Eterscél, and Conaire s. Mog Láma the marriage-kinsman of Conn, father of the three Cairpres; Cairpre Musc, from whom are the Muscraige, Cairpre Baschain from whom are Corco Baiscinn, Cairpre Rigfhota from whom is Dál Riata. Óengus Tuirmech was sixty years in the kingship of Ireland, till he died in Temair.
LXXI. CONALL COLLAMRACH. Conall Collamrach took the kingship of Ireland, till he fell at the hands of Nia Segamain.
LXXII. NIA SEGAMAIN. Nia Segamain, seven years in the kingship, till he fell at the hands of Énna Aignech.
LXXIII. ÉNNA AIGNECH. Énna Aignech, twenty-eight [years] in the kingship of Ireland, till he fell at the hands of Crimthann Coscrach.
LXXIV. CRIMTHANN COSCRACH. Crimthann Coscrach, four years, till he fell at the hands of Rudraige.
LXXV. RUDRAIGE. Now Rudraige s. Sitric, of him is Dál nAraide, for they are the True Ulaid of Emain; that is, the children of Colmán s. Fíachu Finnscothach are the True Ulaid. Twenty-five of them took the kingship of Ireland, for these are the three free peoples of Ireland, Conn, Araide, Eogan; unde Eochaid–
Three free (companies) of Ireland, it is sung the hosts of Arad with the beauty of Ulaid; Conn who had a music-pillow of hides, and Eoganacht of Mumu. Now Rudraige s. Sitric, grandfather of Conall Cernach s. Amorgen and of Fergus s. Roig; but others say that it is Conchobor s. Cathub s. Ros s. Rudraige; secundum alios autem, Conchobor s. Cathub s. Ros, s. Fergus Fairge, s. Nuadu Necht. Every plain which Rudraige stretched over Ireland, Fergus established his progeny upon it by force of arms–Cuir and Cíarraige and Conmaicne. Of that, Senchán Torpéist chanted–
- Fergus fought fifty battles with memory ( = memorable), Against the warriors of Fert, as he attacked the right of Ua Rudraige.
Rudraige the king took Ireland with companies; For seventeen years he was in kingship over the Gáedil.
Every battle-field he spread with cruel battles without terror; Till he took it truly, Fergus filled it for his inheritance.
He fought the battle of Cuirche, the heroic battle of Luachair a great host; Seven battles in Cliu, the eighth over them in Glenn Amain.
The battle of Sliab Mis, the battle of enduring Boirenn with trophies; From the Stone of Comar with three battlefields very great.
He fought the battle of Ren in Fertas Mílige abounding in woods; The battle of bleak Ai, with the hard battle of Cúl Sibrille.
- Two battles of Fortrasc, into which kings crowded with great pallor; They heard the fame of the strength of Mac Roig the very courageous.
Rudraige was seventy years in the kingship, till he died of plague in Argatglenn.
LXXVI. FINNAT MÁR. Finnat Már s. Nia Segamain took the kingship of Ireland for three years, till he fell at the hands of Bresal Bó-díbad s. Rudraige.
LXXVII. BRESAL BO-DIBAD. Bresal Bó-díbad, eleven years in the kingship of Ireland. There came a pestilence npon the cattle of Ireland in his reign, so that there escaped none save a bull and a heifer, in Glenn Samaisce. Bresal fell at the hands of Lugaid Luaigne s. Finnat Már.
LXXVIII. LUGAID LUAIGNE. Lugaid Luaigne, fifteen years, till he fell at the hands of Congal Cláiringnech s. Rudraige.
LXXIX. CONGAL CLÁIRINGNECH. Congal Cláiringnech, sixteen [years] , till he fell at the hands of Dui Dallta Degaid.
LXXX. DUI DALLTA DEGAID. He was ten years in the kingship, till Fachtna Fathach slew him.
LXXXI. FACHTNA FATHACH. Fachtna Fathach, twenty-five years, till he fell at the hands of Eochu Feidlech.
LXXXII. EOCHU FEIDLECH. Eochu Feidlech, twelve years; he died a natural death in Temair.
LXXXIII. EOCHU AIREM. Eochu Airem, brother to Eochu Feidlech, fifteen years. Siugmall burnt him in Fremaind.
LXXXIV. ETERSCÉL. Eterscél Mór maccu Iair, of the Erna of Mumu, five years, till he fell at the hands of Nuadu Necht. This was the time in which Christ was born, the Son of the Living God, to ransom the human race. The Provincials thereafter, Conchobor s. Fachtna, Coirpre Nia Fer, Tigernach Tétbannach, Cú Roí s. Daire, Ailill s. Mata.
LXXXV. NUADU NECHT. Nuadu Necht of the Laigin thereafter, two seasons, till he fell at the hands of Conaire in the battle of Clíu in Ui Dróna.
LXXXVI. CONAIRE MÓR. Conaire Mór s. Eterscel, seventy years in the kingship of Ireland, till he fell in Bruiden Dá Derga; or perhaps the Provincials should come here.
LXXXVII. LUGAID RIAB NDERG. Lugaid Riab nDerg, twenty-five years, till he fell upon his own sword for sorrow after his wife.
LXXXVIII. CONCHOBOR ABRAT-RUAD. Conchobor Abrat-ruad, a year, till he fell at the bands of Crimthann.
LXXXIX. CRIMTHANN NIA NÁIR. This is that Lugaid Riab nDerg whom the three sons of Eochu Feidlech begat upon their sister Clothrann; and further Lugaid himself begat a son upon his own mother, to wit, Crimthann, s. Lugaid king of Ireland. It is he who went adventuring from Dún Crimthann along with Na’r the Fairy Woman, so that he was a fortnight over a month there, and brought away with him many treasuries, including the gilded chariot, and the golden checker-board, and the mantle of Crimthann. He died after coming out, at the end of a fortnight over a month.
XC. CAIRPRE CINN-CHAIT. Cairpre Catchenn took the kingship of Ireland (the father of Morann) for five years, till he died.
XCI. FERADACH FINN-FECHTNACH. Feradach [Finn]-Fechtnach s. Crimthann, twenty years in the kingship of Ireland; he died a [natural] death.
XCII. FÍATACH FINN. Fíatach Finn from whom is Dál Fíataich, three years in the kingship of Ireland till Fíacha Finnoilches slew him.
XCIII. FÍACHU FINNOILCHES. Fíachu Finnoilches, seventeen years, till he fell at the hands of Elim s. Conrai.
XCIV. ELIM. Elim, twenty years after his slaying of Fíachu Finnoilches.
XCV. TUATHAL TECHTMAR. [Macalister’s Note.— This and the following reigns are filled with interpolations from the narrative of the Boroma, the tribute imposed upon the province of Leinster by Tfiathal Techtmar as a recompense for the death of his two daughters, in consequence of the trickery of Eochu mac Echach DoimUin, king of that province, and levied by his successors in Temair for some 500 years. The text was edited by Whitley Stokes, without reference to the extracts here incorporated, although they contain numerous variae lectiones worthy of the attention of an editor. It would, indeed, be possible to reconstruct an almost complete text, differing in many respects from Stokes’s version, from the fragments inserted, especially in the W text in the Book of Lecan. They appear to he makeshift repairs of gaps in Reim Riograide, and Jiave no radical connexion with it; they are therefore here omitted, as due regard will have to he paid to them in any future revision of Stokes’s text–now over fifty years old–of the Borama saga. The verse extracts, which Stokes omits from his edition, must await that publication : they would here he irrelevant.]
Eithne Imgel, daughter of the king of Alba, escaped over sea. She was pregnant, and in; the East she brought forth Túathal s. Fíachu. She nurtured him for twenty years in the East, and his mother came back with him. She landed at Inber Domnann, and bandits of Ireland came to meet her there, to wit, Fíachra, Cassa’n, and Finnmall, with a company of eight hundred warriors. They gave him [Túathal] the kingship immediately, and he broke thirty battles against Mumu, twenty-seven againsit Laigin, twenty-eight against the men of Mumu, and twenty-eight against Connachta–an hundred and twenty-three in all. The Assembly of Temair was convened by him thereafter. The men of Ireland came there, with wives, sons, and daughters. Túathal took sureties of sun, moon, and every power in heaven and earth, that though the Provincials of Ireland might be equal in power, they should not be equal in right of Ireland with the progeny of Tuathal, but that his progeny should have the kingship for ever.
So Tuathal fell in Dál Araide in the Bog of Battle, through treachery, in the place where Ollar and Ollarba broke forth, at the hands of Mai s. Rochraide king of the province, after completing an hundred and ten years in the kingship. But thirty years was he in the kingship of Ireland.
XCVI. MÁL. Mál s. Rochraide took the kingship of Ireland for a space of four years, till he fell at the hands of Feidlimid Rechtaid s. Túathal Techtmar, in vengeance for his father.
XCVII. FEIDLIMID RECHTMAR. Feidlimid Rechtmar s. Túathal Techtmar, and son of Báne d. Scál, from whom is named Cnoc Báne in Airgialla, for there was she buried. By him was Ráith Maige Lemna dug, over Ulaid. Ten years had he in the kingship, till he died.
XCVIII. CATHAIR MOR. Cathair Mor s. Feidlimid, fifty [or three] years till he fell by the warriors of Luaigne.
XCIX. CONN CET-CATHACH. Conn Cét-cathach, years five and thirty (or twenty, ut alii aiunt) till he fell at fell at the hands of Tipraite Tírech, king of Ulaid, in Túaith Amrois.
C. CONAIRE CÓEM. Conaire Cóem, eight years, till he fell at the hands of Nemed s. Sroibcenn.
CI. ART ÓENFER. Art s. Conn, twenty years in the kingship of Ireland till he fell in the battle of Mucrama, at the hands of Lugaid mac Con. Now it was Lugaid Lagad and Ligime Lagneeh who laid hands on Art.
CII. LUGAID MAC CON. Lugaid mac Con thirty years, till Cormac ua Cuinn drave him out, and he fell thereafter by the dart, at the hands of Ferches s. Comman.
CIII. FERGUS DUBDÉTACH. Fergus Dubdétach, one year, till he fell in the battle of Crinna, at the hands of Cormac s. Art s. Conn.
CIV. CORMAC UA CUINN. Cormac ua Cuinn, forty years, till he died in Tech Cleitig, after the bone of a salmon stuck in his throat; or it is phantoms that slew him after he had been cursed by Máel-Cenn.
CV. EOCHU GUNNAT. Eochu Gunnat, one year, till he fell at the hands of Lugaid.
CVI. CAIRBRE LIFE CHAIR. Cairbre Lifechair, twenty-seven (or twenty-six) years, till he fell in the battle of Gabar at the hands of Senioth s. Cerb of the Fotharta.
CVII. FOTHAID. The Fothads, one year, till Fothad Cairptech fell at the hands of Fothad Airgdech. Then Fothad Airgdech fell in Líne, in the battle of Ollarba.
CVIII. FÍACHU SROIPTINE. Fíachu Sroiptine, thirty-one or thirty-six (years), till he fell at the hands of the Three Collas in the battte of Dubchomair, [in the territory of Ros of Breg].
CIX. COLLA UAIS. Colla Uais, four years till Muiredach Tírech drave him out.
CX. MUIREDACH TÍRECH. Muiredach Tírech, thirty years till he fell at the hands of Cáelbad s. Cronn Badrui above Daball.
CXI. CÁELBAD. One year had Cáelbad s. Crunn, till he fell at the hands of Eochu Mugmedon.
CXII. EOCHU MUGMEDON. Eochu Mugmedon, seven years till he died [of a disease] in Temair.
CXIII. CRIMITHANN MAC FIDAIG. Crimthann s. Fidach, sixteen [years], in the kingship of Ireland till he fell at the hands of Moingfhinn, his own sister..
CXIV. NÍALL NOÍ-GIALLACH. Níall Noí-giallach, twenty-six [years], till he fell at the hands of Eochu s. Énna Cennselaig at the Sea of Wight.
CXV. NATHÍ. Nathí, twenty-three (years), till he died at Sliab Elpa, after being struck by a flash of lightning. Of the times and deaths of those kings Gilla Cóemáin the poet chanted–
- Lofty Ireland, island of the kings, praiseworthy scene of mighty deeds,v no man knoweth its destiny till Bith grandson of Lamech found it.
Ladra and Bith, Fintan the powerful, fifty wonderful women, the people who first took tuneful Banba forty days before the Flood.
Cessair died of a swift plague westward in Ciiil Cesrach (with) her fifty; of excess of women, an empty rout, died Ladra in Ard Ladrann.
Fintan died–it is a subject of truth– in Mumu, of slow decay; Bith in his mountain–a tale of love– northward, for sorrow after his only son.
Eleven years, pleasant the fame, after the Flood, three hundred years, had valiant Ireland without renown till Partholon took it.
Partholon of the fortress of pure pleasant Greece was three hundred years in Ireland, till there died of plague thereafter, nine thousand in one week.
An exact thirty years without sorrow was Ireland desert after Partholon, till Nemed arrived from the East oversea with his great sons.
Four sons of the hero from the (sea-) pool, Starn, Fergus, larbonel, Ainninn; Nemed went to death by plague twenty hundreds in the land of Liathan.
Slain was Starn in the stiff fight by Febal in Ceis Corand; died by … (?) I conceal it not, Ainninn and larbonel.
Thereafter came Fergus with his children and wrecked the fortress of Conaing; Fergus fell with wrath by More son of Dela, the red-faced.
Sixteen years and two hundred by reckoning, it is no falsehood, did Nemen with his children spend until the Tower of Conaing was captured.
Two hundred years, a fame for the company, from that rout of Conaing’s Tower, till the children of Starn came, out of Greece, hateful and rough.
Five kings with the great sea-expedition came over the green-pooled ocean in their three fleets, with a tale of children– Gailioin, Fir Bolg, Fir Domnann.
The prince of the Fir Bolg, Rudraige the king landed on the shore of Rudraige; in Inber Slaine of the bridles (landed) Slainge with the Gailioin.
The Fir Domnann with their three kings right-hand-wise to Ireland, truly pure, Sengann, Genann, and Gann landed in Irrus Domnann.
One province to the Fir Bolg, a province for the Gailioin, a pure order; and three provinces were the portion which the pleasant Fir Domnann took.
The fair four men apportioned the kingdom of Ireland to their brother; so that Slainge free, stately, was first to take the land of Ireland.
Attend to the fate of each man, their names, their time, till I tell you all the kingship of yellow-haired Fotla.
A year to Slaine, to the hero, till a rough idle disease slew him; buried in Duma Slainge was the first king of Ireland of white steeds,
Two years to Rudraige of grace, till he died in his lofty fortress; Gann and Genann died of plague– four years was their reign complete.
Five years of Sengann thereafter till he fell before Fiacha; six years had Fiacha (Cend) findach till red Rindal slew him.
Six years had Rindal from the division till Foidbgen son of Sengann slew him; Foidbgen spent four (years) till he fell before lofty Eochu.
Eochu mac Eire, the king of grace for a space of ten years ever good; till they slew the king they, the three sons of Nemed son of Badra.
The names of the three sons of famous Nemed were Cesarb, Luam, and Luachra; it is they who slew the first man (slain) with a spear– Eochu mac Eire–in Ireland.
Bres son of Elathan son of Net was king with great magnificence; seven years had he–it was not long– till he died of the red bog- water.
Nuadu Airgetlam of the Steeds Balor the Strong Smiter slew him; twenty years in high goodness his rule over Ireland.
Submission was paid to Lug, to the hero, for two score years famous, fair; melancholy the deed which Mac Cuill wrought the death of the grandson of Dian Cecht in Caindruim,
Eochu thereafter, the Great Father fourscore white years; the death of the red Dagda of the hosts by the cast which Cethlenn released.
Ten years to faithful Delbaeth till he fell at the hands of Fíachu; ten years to Fíachu the white till Eogan of the High Creek slew him.
Twenty-seven years together Mac Cuill, Mac Cecht, Mac Greine; the three sons of Cermat with victory in the kingdom over red-cloaked Banba.
Mac Greine the white fell in Tailltiu before Amorgen; Mac Cuill before great Eber, Mac Cecht by the hand of Erimon.
A year in kingship together had Erimon and fair-haired Eber; thereafter Eber fell by the hand of very pure Erimon.
Glorious Erimon, without reproach, held Ireland single-handed, seventeen years had the Branch, and died a death in Argatros.
His three sons, three years in fame, till the death of Muimne in Mag Cruachan, Luigne and Laigne of the blades were slain in the battle of Ladra’s Height.
- The four sons of Eber were slaughtered by Iriel F4id, a true warrior; a half-year their reign–it was not sufficient- Er, Orba Fergna, Feron.
36, Iriel Faid, exciter of the din of battle, ten the span of the great warrior; till he died in Mag Muaide of a sudden evil disease.
Ethrial son of Iriel of the steeds twenty years, very crowded; till he fell in red Rairiu by the hand of Conmáel of the red sword.
Conmáel, son of Eber without reproach the first king of Ireland from Mumu, a reckoning of thirteen powerful years till he fell before Tigernmas.
Tigernmas, strong was his rule, seventy- seven years; till he perished in the severe plague in which fell a slaughter of the men of Ireland.
Eochu Edgathach glorious four years over variegated Banba, ‘tis no falsehood that in the active battle of Temair Cermna son of Ebrec slew him.
Cermna, Sobairce, a lucky course, the two sons of Ebrec son of Eber, two score years with fame, the first king of Ireland from Ulaid.
The fate of Sobairce in his fort by Eochu Menn upon the sea; the fate of Cermna in the crooked battle, by white Eochu Faebargias.
Twenty years, a fame with pleasure, of the rule of Eochu son of ConMáel; Fíachu Labrainne of the battle-fields slew Eochu of the Red Edge.
Twenty and four without crookedness was Fíachu Labrainne king; the king of the Fene of Fabar fell in the battle of Sliab Belgadain.
A year over ten, doubled. the length of the reign of Eochu Mumu; till the beautiful branch fell before Oengus Olmucaid.
Thrice six years, ye understand was Oengus Olmucaid king; in Carman fell the prop by huge Énna Airgthech.
A reckoning of thrice nine years to Énna Airgdech, to the high king till Rotechtaid mac Main slew him, on the red Mag Raigne very fair.
A space of twice nine famous years was submission paid to Rotechtaid, till he fell by Setna Airt on the same Cruachan of Connachta.
Five years to Setna Airt till the king fell before his great son; the son, with thousands of chieftans, forgave not his father for the violation.
Sixteen years and four the princedom of Fíachu, a generous raider; Fíachu, a man of profit for hosts fell before Muinemon.
Muinemon; five years in fame was the length of the reign of the son of Gas Clothach; king of Dairbre, he perished by plague in white-bordered Mag nAilbe.
A just thirty years without sorrow, to the son of pure renown, Muinemon; Faildergdoit the glowing died before Ollom in Temair.
Thirty years over ten till the death of Ollom, hear ye! king of the poets, high his grace, by whom was made the first festival of Temair.
Strong his son, Finnachta of Fal, twice ten [years] in his good hand [were his]; in Mag ninis, of plague, the sweet king of Macha found destruction.
The son of Ollom, stately Slanoll ten years and seven on a free circuit; he died without change on his colour on the hero-floor of the house of Temair.
Twelve years, brilliant their favour, was Geide Ollgothach king; Geide of the shouting fell at the hands of Fíachu son of Finnachta.
Thirty years, a fame that is not mean, Fíachu Findoilches spent; the king of Cera of the Trenches fell by Berngal in the battle of Breg,
Berngal son of Geide, the pleasant branch, twelve years was his good time till he terminated his valour in battle, he, Oilill grandson of Ollaman.
Oilill, twice eight years the good son of Slanoll, it is no crooked falsehood; he died at the hands of Sirna the king of dry-sided Temair.
Temair of Fal found a beautiful friend when Sirna the fair rod arrived; with his thirty hundred warriors, after the day when he sundered the kingship from the Ulaid.
Sirna spent with bridles a space of thrice seven free years; the death of Sirna Avith fame for love in Allien by Rotechtaid.
Rotechtaid of Roth, the king of roads, a space of seven years, ever soft, at Dun Sobairce, over the salt sea, rough lightning burnt him.
Elim took with hostages a kingship over Ireland for one year; till Elim died, with beauty at the hands of the son of Oilill Olchain.
A reckoning of only nine years was submission paid to Oilill; till Giallchad, cheerful and pleasant, died at the hands of Art Imlech son of Elim.
A reckoning of twice nine years to Art thereafter, it is no falsehood; by Nuadhu of Fal, with twentyfold fame Art Imlech fell.
The death of Nuadu, well-known to you, by Bress Ri son of Art Imlech; forty years of might spent Nuadu, a powerful kingship.
Nine years of Bress of the leaps– great was the force of his strong assaults; the fate of the son of Art of the hard weapon on the top of the crooked earn of Conluan.
Four seasons of heroic battles had glorious Eochu Aptach; Eochu of Áth Luain fell at the hands of Finn son of red- cloaked Brath.
A space of thrice seven years the length of the reign of Find Formail; the death of the same glorious Finn at the hands of Setna Finn son of Bres.
Setna of the Wages, the veteran gave stipends to an hundred hirelings; an exact twenty years without sorrow till he was hanged by Siomon.
Siomon Brecc, six years, it is exact, the earl was king without injustice; by Dui Finn, son of sound Setna, the son of Aedan obtained the same [fate].
A space of ten years with fame Dui son of [Setna] Inarrad spent; the king of Clair fell in battle on the plain by the son of Muiredach.
Muiredach, a month over a year was king with great hostages; Muiredach suffered treachery in battle by Énna the red, son of Dui.
Twelve years brilliant his favour was Dui son of Den king; the champion of the horny skin died in Sliab Mis, at the hands of great troops.
Nine years, I regulate, clear fame Lugaid lardonn son of Énna till the very noble chieftain fell in the battle of Clochar, by Sírlám.
Sírlám, settler of the hosts of Mumu twice eight years varied and crowded, was carried over in the combat with glorious Eochaid Uairches.
Eochu Uairches, high his fame, spent fairly seven years and five, till the king of Banba fell, with fame, by the valorous sons of Congal.
Eochu and Conaing with valour, the two sons of Congal the victorious, the two rightful rulers of the Fortress were a space of five years in joint rule.
Eochu Fidmuine of the warriors, fell before Lugaid of the Red Hand; seven years had fierce Lugaid– thereafter Conaing quenched him.
Conaing son of Congal, the pure prop, never feared any person; twenty (years) he spent on every side, till Art son of Lugaid slew him.
Art son of Lugaid, heroic his generation, years five in Caindruim; Art fell in the combat at the hands of Fiachra son of Muiredach,
Fiach(r)a son of great Muiredach, eight years among hours of carousal; till he found his fate in Boirenn at the hands of Ailill sou of Mac Lugdach.
Mac Airt, eleven years famous Oilioll Find, the true prince; he fell in the battle of Odba at the hands of the very valorous Argatmar.
His fair warriors decreed, Eochu, and Lugaid the hero of Mumu: till the end of seven years, oversea, they drove out Argatmar.
Eochu son of Oilioll Finn, a space of seven years was his good time; he slew the king of Cerrana, Clair, and Cliu, in Aine of the yew-shields.
A reckoning of thrice ten bright years was submission paid to Argatmar; they separated from his pure rough fame, did Dui Ladgar and Lugaid.
Ten years to Dui Ladgair, over high, mighty Ireland; the death of the lord, of levelling and outburst, by the hands of Lugaid the full-animating.
Lugaid the animating filled a plain, eight years was his fame over wrath; the mindful branch fell in Carn by the hands of Aed son of Buidne son of Badra.
Aed son of Badarn over Banba a reckoning of thrice seven, free-valorous; the death of the king of cruel Mag Cetne; in Eas Ruaid of royal wisdom.
Brown Dithorba fell by the creeks in Corann; twenty-one years clear and bright was he king over the Fiana of Inis Fail.
Thereafter twenty and seven to great Cimbáeth son of Fintan; Cimbáeth the fair, first prince of Emain the king of great Temair died a (natural) death.
A space of eight years with fame, after him thereafter, to the queen Macha with deeds of brigands till Rechtaid Rigderg slew her.
Rechtaid spent twenty [years] keenly son of fully sharp Lugaid, the animating, king of Clochar and Cenn Maige he fell before Ugoine.
tJgoine, a great prince of pure fame, a prince for fourteen good years, it was not long, over Buinne in Brega, till the blow of Badbchad killed him.
Badbchad, who was a king that smote battle, skirmishing, fighting, conquering, one day and a half was his time, till Loiguire slew him over the Boyne.
Two years had Loiguire Lore in kingship over variegated, tender Banba; till the crimeless branch fell before Cobthach Cóel in Carman.
Cobthach, fifteen lasting years was the very red king served; till fire burned him in the house as he caroused with Labraid.
Labraid Loingsech, the hero, spent nineteen years exceeding well; Labraid of Bere f with fame– Melge son of Cobthach slew him.
Melge spent–good his colour– seventeen years as a good king; he fell overboard J {i.e. died) however it was in the battle with Mog Cuirb of Clair.
Mog Corb in Mumu without sorrow, grandson of Rechtaid Rigderg, the fair branch of Cenn Mara fell before Oengus son of Labraid.
Oengus Ollom, eighteen, brought silence upon a free Grecian host; the king of Eile fell without reproach by the son of Melge son of Cobthach.
Noble Irereo son of Melge a space of eight years ever full; by Fer Corb son of Mog Corb fell the king of Brug of the speckled fist.
A year over ten to Fer Chorb brilliant was his royal order; the lofty oak fell after Connla the rough prop, exacted his right.
Five times four unclouded the glorious space of Irereo; in mighty fortunate Temair died Connla grandson of Cobthach.
Twenty-five true years the space of Ailill in his high-kingship; Adamair son of crooked Ferchorb he it is who took the goodly-surface heritage.
Thrice ten years … was the son of Fer Chorb in a fair kingship; he fell by Eochu with beauty did Adamair Flidais of handsome hair.
Twenty years short by six in fame was Eochu Ailtlethan king; till he fell in his house in the west before generous Fergus Fortamail.
Fergus obtained eleven years; well was the great branch served : he fell–be the battle remembered– before Oengus Turmech of Temair.
Threescore years with renown had Oengus Turmech in Temair; a grief for the companies of Cnoc Breg was the death of the king of the North and of Tailtiu.
Five years in his life with grace was valorous Conall Collamrach (king) Nia Segamain quenched him a man manly, white-skinned.
Nia Segamain obtained seven (years) over Ireland without injustice; the curb chariot-fighter fell by insolent Énna Airgdech.
Énna Airgdech, high his fame, spent four terms of five years; the king of Banba fell in battle before Crimthann brave, victorious.
Four years of curly Crimthann over green-bordered Ireland; the sweet king of the Carn fell by the hand of very rough Rudraige.
Rudraige king of Fal with fame seven decades of years, a judgement and a mischief it was to tuneful Banba that he died a death in Airgetglind.
Finnait Mar in good Mumu nine (years) to the hero of even colour; he fell, as was verified, before Bresal Bodibad.
Bresal Bodibad perfectly nine years over Ireland was his power; the king of Cuailnge fell speedily by the hand of Luaigne son of Finnat.
Lugaid Luaigne, clear his fame, thrice five years untroubled; the grandson of Art Imlech fell by the grasp of Congal the flat-faced.
Congal, fifteen years certain to the son of very great Rudraige; by Dui Dallta Dedaid he got fighting and heavy warfare.
Dui Dallta Degaid the fortunate, in the kingdom over proud Temair, ten years of his authority onward till Fachtna Fathach slew him.
Fachtna, twenty (years) save four to the son of Ros in a royal life; by Eochu Feidlech, son of Finn, the king died by a red point.
A space of twelve years, lasting judgement, was Eochu Feidlech served; in good and grassy Temair the high prince found a deadly draught.
Fifteen years, a lasting judgement, to Eochu of Beth, his brother; not false was the tale for [i.e. told by] his children that fire burned him in Fremainn.
Eterscel, a kingly man of graces obtained five years ever good; the king of rights fell by a point at the hands of Nuadu Necht in Alind.
The death of Nuadu in the battle of Cliu at the hands of Conaire of the fair shield; he spent not more than two seasons in the kingship of Ireland of lofty fame.
Conaire, a high prince over all, seventeen years with good power; the death of the king of heroes in the Hostelry Ingcel the squinting, greedy for plunder.
Temair the active had five years without a zealous, most prudent prince; until Lugaid Riab-nDerg arrived resolute was his impetuous strength.
Twenty-six to Lugaid till he died of heavy sorrow; Conchobor, a year was he there till he fell before Crimthann.
Crimthann spent–we tell no falsehood– seventeen years without sorrow; till he died after his venturing he, son of Lugaid, the hero of right.
Coirpre Cat-head, the stern, a complete king, over strong enduring Temair, five years his grace from the share (till) the father of Morann died a [natural] death.
Good the reign of Feradach Finn two and twenty his good space; in Conn’s Half–be mindful– was the death of Ua Luigdech in Liath-druim.
Two years–one year without judgement– had Ireland under the rule of Fíachu; by Fíachu Finn who got reno%vn (?) the king of great Emain perished.
Fíachu was king over the warriors seventeen good years; he fell in green-topped Mag Bolg by lofty very-keen Elim.
A space of twice ten, for noble Ireland, did perfect Elim watch over; the king of stern Cnucha in the battle of Aicill obtained death-doom and a heavy decline.
Tuathal the strong obtained thirty he extended borders with fair strength; in the contest over the middle of Line Mai son of Rochraide slew him.
Four years did Mai obtain; Feidlimid the very noble slew him. Nine, Feidlimid, true is that till the son of Tuathal perished.
Six and twenty, without a prompt reproach did Cathair grandson of Cormac spend; the king of the North fell in the West by Loiguire of swift ruses (?).
Conn, five times four, was ruler with skirmishes. Conn of the Plain of Mide fell before the son of Mai son of Rochraide.
Conaire his kinsman spent seven years and one year; the prince of white Femen fell by the hand of Nemed son of Sroibcenn.
Art son of valorous Conn received Banba for a space of thirty (years) Lugaid, in the battle of Mucrama quenched him, though he was a friend.
Lugaid Mac Con, son of Lugaid, (spent) thirty strong-crowded years; by Ferchar son of fair Coman he found violence and counter-slaughter.
Fergus Black-tooth without lasting fame, without blemish, for one year; the Grasper fell in the battle of Crinna by Cormac.
Cormac, forty years pleasant the long-handed warrior watched; in the House of cruel Cletech a bone of the ugly cold salmon slew him.
Submission was paid to Eochu Gunnat in Ireland for a space of one year; a grasp quenched the strong one, (of) Lugaid grandson of Oengus.
A reckoning of twenty-six years was Coirpre of the Seeking served; in Gabar, sad though we think it, great red points quenched him.
145 The Fothads took a year over Banba full of huts, Fothad Cairptech fell by white Fothad Airgdech.
The death of Fothad after kin-slaughter, in the battle of Ollarba, apt for combat; Fíachu after Fothad–take thou heed– thirty-seven years.
Fíachu got a venomous draught from Colla in the battle of Dubchomair; Colla had four years after battle till Muiredach slew him.
Muiredach Tirech, ten, the good son of Fíachu with true judgement; at Daball by the son of fair Cronn the grandson of Conn of Codal fell.
Coelbad a year, fame without sorrow, Eochu Muigmedon slew him; eight to Eochu, that is no falsehood, till death met him in Temair.
Thirteen years, pleasant the apex– it was not long–for Crimthann he got a venomous draught in his house from his sister, from the daughter of Nemed.
Twenty years over seven, together, to Niall with his strength; ‘tis no falsehood, over the sea of Wight, full of swans lofty Eochaid of the Feasting slew him.
Twenty years over three was submission paid to the strength of Nath-I; in Sliab Elpa of the Noble Arms a lightning-stroke slew him.
Sixteen and six score kings before the coming of Patrick truly, after Slaine of the pleasant valour all that is the number who took Ireland,
Loiguire the wealthy spent a space of four powerful years, before the coming of Patrick of the Pens, it was a streamful time for noble Ireland.
Seven divisions, seven score smooth divisions, and ten with good intention, this is their fullness which I have the Roll of the Kings of Ireland,
Where Patrick landed, was in the land of Ulaid of the lofty harbours; so that the youths of Emain were converted there, with the beauteous hosts of Ireland.
Gilla Caemain without niggardliness, son of noble Gilla Samthainne, joy for the hard task (accomplished) is my due for the reckoning of the High Kings of Ireland.
[The Kings after Christianity.]
CXVI. LOIGUIRI MAC NÉILL. Here begins of the princes and times of Ireland after the Faith. Loiguiri mac Neill held the kingdom of Ireland 30 years before the coming of Patrick. Ard Macha was founded. Secundinus and Old Patrick rested. Loiguire fell at the side of Cas, etc.
CXVII. AILILL MOLT. Ailill Molt, s. Dathi, twenty years till he fell in the battle of Ocha at the hands of Lugaid s. Loiguire and of Muirchertech s. Erc, of Fergus Cerrbél s. Conall Crimthann, of Fiachra Lonn s. Coelbad, king of Dál Araide, and of Crimthann s. Énna king of Laigin. Eogan mac Néill died. Resting of Benignus, second abbot [sic lege, scil. “of Árd Macha”]. Death of Conall Crimthann s. Niall. Resting of Iarlathe third abbot. Battle of Ocha, in which Ailill Molt fell.
CXVIII. LUGAID. Lugaid s. Loiguire, twenty-five (years) till he fell in Achad Forcha by a miracle of Patrick. Muiredach s. Eogan died. Battle of Cell Osnad. Patrick bishop of the Irish rested. Cormac the first abbot. Resting of Ibar the bishop.
CXIX. MUIRCHERTACH MAC ERCA. Muirchertach mac Erca, twenty-four years, till he perished in a vat of wine in Cleitech. Dubthach abbot of A.rd Macha rested. Battle of Druimm Dergaige, wherefore the plain of Mide was taken away from Laigin. Falling asleep of Saint Brigid. Ailill abbot of Ard Macha. Resting of Colman mac Duach. Battle of Eibliu.
CXX. TUATHAL MÁEL-GARB. Tuathal Máel-garb, eleven years, till he fell in Grellach Ellti at the hands of Máel Mór s. Airgetan grandson of Mac I. Resting of Ailbe of Imlech. Ailill abbot of Árd Macha. Battle of Sligech, where Eogan Bel fell, the king of Connachta. Fergus and Domnall, two sons of Muirchertach mac Erca, were conquerors. Battle of Tortan against the Laigen, in which Mac Erca s. Ailill Molt fell. Battle of Cloenloch. Nem, the bishop.
CXXI. DIARMAIT MAC CERBAILL. Diarmait mac Cerbaill, twenty-one, till he fell at the hands of Aed Dub s. Suibne king of Dál Araide in Ráith Becc in Mag Line. Dui abbot of Ard Macha. Ciaran mac in tSáir. Battle of Cul Conaire in Cera, where Ailill Banda fell. Colum mac Crimthainn. Fiachra abbot of Árd Macha. Battle of Cul Dremne against Diarmait mac Cerbaill.
CXXII. DOMNALL AND FERGUS. Domnall and Fergus, the two sons of Mac Erca, one year. The battle of Gabar of Life: Fergus and Domnall were victors. Resting of Brenainn of Birra, in the three hundredth year of his age.
CXXIII. BAETAN AND EOCHU. Báetán and Eochu, the two sons of Ninnid; three [years], till Eochu fell at the hands of Cronán s. Tigernach king of Cíannachta of Glenn Gaimin. [Báctán fell at the same] time in Iardoman, at the hands of Colmán Bec s. Dui and of Conall s. Comgall.
CXXIV. AINMIRE. Ainmire s. Setna, three years till he fell at the hands Fergus s. Neilline.
CXXV. BAETAN. Baetan mac Ninneda, for one year. Ita of Cluain, the wise, rested. Death of Aed son of Suibne, king of Moenmag.
CXXVI. AED MAC AINMIRECH. Aed s. Ainmire, twenty-eight years, till he fell at the hands of Brandub s. Eochu in the battle of Dun Bolg. Derg s. Cairill rested. The great assembly of Druim Ceat. Feidlimid abbot of Ard Macha. Eochu abbot of Ard Macha. Pope Gregorius, David of Cell Muni. Resting of Colum Cille and of Báithín.
CXXVII. COLMAN RIMID AND AED SLAINE. Colman Rimid and Aed Slaine, four [years], till Aed Slaine fell at the hands of Conall Guthbind s. Suibne; Colman Rimid fell at the hands of Locan Dilmana. Resting of Comgall of Bennchor. Battle of Slemain in which Colman Rimid was victor. Conall Cú ran away. Fintan of Cluain Eidnech. Rest of Cainnech.
CXXVIII. AED ÚAIRIDNACH. Aed Úairidnach eight years, till he died. Or Gregorius here. Senach, abbot of Ard Macha. Death of Brandub s. Eochu. Aedán s. Gabran died.
CXXIX. MÁEl-COBA. Máel-Coba, three years till he fell in the battle of Sliab Toad at the hand of Suibne Mend. The battle of Odba where Conall Laeg Breg fell. Oengus mac Colman was the victotr (sic lege).
CXXX. SUIBNE MEND. Suibne Mend, sixteen (sic) years, till he fell at the hands of Congal Caech s. Seanlan in Traig Brena. Mac Laisre abbot of Ard Macha. Comgan of Glenn da Locha. Aed Bennain. Ronan s. Tuathal. The battle of Both by Suibne Mend against Domnall s. Aed. The battle of Dim Cethirn. Death of Eochu Buide.
CXXXI. DOMNALL MAC AEDA. Domnall s. Aed, thirty years; he died a natural death. The battle of Mag Roth and of Sailten, wrought in one day; one of them against Eogan, the other against the Ulaid. Mochutu of Raithin rested. Molaise of Lethglenn rested.
CXXXII. CELLACH AND CONALL GAEL. Gellach and Gonall Cáel, s. Máel-Coba, fifteen years. Cellach died a natural death in the Brug of Mac in Óc. Conall Cáel fell at the hands of Diarmait s. Aed Slaine. Fursa rested. A cow brought forth four calves in one day.
CXXXIII. BLATHMAC AND DIARMAIT. Blathmac and Diarmait, fifteen years. They died a natural death of the Buide Conaill. Feichín of Fore, Mainchín of Leth Airerán, the sages, rested by the Buide Conaill. The synod of Constantinople.
CXXXIV. SECHNASACH. Sechnasach s. Blathmac, six years, till he fell at the hands of Dub Dúin king of Coirpre. Fáelán s. Colmán king of Laigen. Voyage of Columbanus the bishop, with relics of saints, to Inis Bó Finne.
CXXXV. CENN FAELAD. Cenn Faelad s. CrundMáel, four years, till he fell at the hands of Finnachta Fledach in the battle of Aircheltra. The first burning of Ard Macha.
CXXXVI. FINNACHTA FLEDACH. Finnachta Fledach, twenty years, till he fell at the hands of Aed s. Dluthach in Grellach Dollaith. Burning of the kings in Dún Chethirn. Adamnanus led the captives to Ireland. Remission of the Borama. The moon was turned to blood as a portent.
CXXXVII. LOINGSECH. Loingsech s. Oengus, eight years, till he fell at the hands of Cellach of Loch Cimme in the battle of the Weir. Moling of Luachra. A very great famine for three years in Ireland, so that man would eat man.
CXXXVIII. CONGAL CIND MAGAIR. Congal of Cend Magair, nine years, till he died of a sudden stroke. Cú Chuarain king of Ulaid and of the Cruithne [died].
CXXXIX. FERGAL. Fergal s. Máel-Dúin, seventeen years, till he fell in the battle of Almu at the hands of Murchad s. Bran. Inrechtach s. Muirdedach king of Connachta [died].
CXL. FOGARTACH. Fogartach s. Níall, one year, till he fell in the battle of Cenn Delgen at the hands of Cinaed s. Irgalach.
CXLI. CINAED. Cinaed s. Irgalach, four years, till he fell in the battle of Druim Corcain at the hands of Flaithbertach s. Loingsech. Domnall s. Cellach, king of Connachta, died. Death of Murchad s. Bran.
CXLII. FLAITHBERTACH. Faithbertach s. Loingsech, seven years, till he died in Ard Macha. Suibne abbot of Ard Macha died.
CXLIII. AED ALLAN. Aed Allan s. Fergal, nine years, till he fell in the battle of Sered Mag at the hands of Domnall s. Muiredach. The battle of Uchbath, in which Bran Bee s. Muiredach and Aed Mend fell.
CXLIV. DOMNALL MAC MURCHADA. Domnall mac Murchada, twenty years, till he died. Ships were seen in the air. Resting of Fidmuine. Cú Chuimne rested.
CXLV. NIALL FROSSACH. Níall Frossach s. Fergal, seven years, till he died in Í, on pilgrimage. Three showers in his reign, a shower of white silver, a shower of honey, and a shower of wheat. Fer Dá Chrích abbot of Ard Macha (died).
CXLVI. DONNCHAD MAC DOMNAILL. Donnchad mac Domnaill, twenty-five years, till he fell at the hands of Aed mac Néill in the battle of Druim Ríg. Dub da Leithe abbot of Ard Macha (died).
CXLVII. AED OIRDNIDE. Aed Oirdnide, twenty-seven years, till he fell at Áth Dá Ferta at the hands of Máel-Canaig. Battle of Druim Ríg. Connmach, Torbach, Toictheeh, Nuadu, abbots of Ard Macha, rested. The moon was turned to blood. Muirges mac Tomaltaig king of Connachta.
CXLVIII. CONCHOBOR. Conchobor s. Donnchad, twenty-four years, till he died. The battle of Leth in Chaim against Niall Caille. Eogan Mainistreeh abbot of Ard Macha. Drowning of Thorkill in Loch Uair by Máel-Sechlainn s. Máel-Ruanaid.
[CXLIX. NÍALL CAILLE.–missing from L.]
CL. MÁEL-SECHLAINN MAC MÁEIL-RÚANAID. Máel-Sechlainn mac Máeil-Rúanaid, sixteen years, till he died. Resting of Feidlimid king of Caiseal; that Feidlimid was king of Ireland, although with opposition (sic lege). Battle of Farach, fought by Máel-Sechlainn against the Foreigners, where six hundred fell. Olchobur king of Caiseal rested. Forannán and Diarmait, two abbots of Ard Macha, rested.
CLI. AED FINNLIATH. Aed Finnliath, eighteen years, till he died at Druim in Asclaind. Battle of Cell ui nDaigri won by Aed mac Néill. Showers of blood were poured so that it was found in gouts of gore. Fethgna abbot of Ard Macha.
CLII. FLANN. Flann s. Máel-Sechlainn, twenty-seven years, till he died. By him the hostages of Ireland were allowed to go back, but he took them again by force. Ainmere and Máel-Coba, abbots of Ard Macha, rested. The Battle of Belach Mugna, won by the Laigin against the Men of Mumu, in which Cormac mac Cuillenáin fell. Two suns were seen to run together in one day. Cerball mac Muiricáin, king of Laigin, rested.
CLIII. NÍALL GLÚNDUB. Níall Glúndub, three years, till he fell in the battle of Áth Cliath. Conchobor ua Máeil-Sechlainn king of Mide.
CLIV. DONNCHAD MAC FLAIND. Donnchadh mac Flainn, twenty-five years, till he died. A battle won by Muirchertach mac Néill, where fell Albdon s. Gothfraid, king of the Foreigners. Máel-Brigte mac Tornáin, Ioseph, and Máel-Patraic, three abbots, rested.
CLV. CONGALACH. Congalach mac Máeil-Mithig, ten years, till he fell at the hands of the Foreigners of Áth Cliath in Tech Giugraind. The battle of Muine Brocáin won by Congalach against the Foreigners, where seven thousand fell. Two fiery columns appeared, a week before Samain, which illuminated the whole world.
CLVI. DOMNALL. Domnall ua Néill, twenty-five years, till he died in Ard Macha. Muiredach abbot of Ard Macha, Conchobor mac Taidg king of Connacht, died. A battle between Brian and Máel-Muad. Mide was desert for five years till Máel-Sechlainn took it.
CLVII. MÁEL-SECHLAINN. Máel-Sechlainn mac Domnaill, twenty-three years. The battle of Temair, won by Máel-Sechlainn against the Foreigners. A siege of three days and three nights by him against the Foreigners, so that he took the hostages of Ireland by force from them. Then, after that, Máel-Sechlainn published the noble proclamation : Let every one, said he, of the Gáedil, who is in the land of the Foreigners in bondage and affliction, come thence to his own land. Dub Dá Leithe, successor of Patrick, (died).
CLVIII. BRÍAN. Brían mac Ceneidig, twelve years, till he fell at the hands of the Laigin and of the Foreigners of Áth Cliath, in Cluain Tarb. The battle of Glenn Máma won by Brían and Máel-Sechlainn against the Foreigners. The battle of Cráeb Tulcha between Llaid and Cenél Eogain, where the kings of both sides fell, namely Áed and Eochaid.
CLVII bis. MÁEL-SECHLAINN restored. Máel-Sechlainn son of Domnall again in the kingship of Ireland, till he died on Cró-Inis of Loch Aindind. Twenty-five battles broke before Máel-Sechlainn. The comet appeared for a fortniglit. Máel-Maire successor of Patrick. Findláech mac Rúaidrí, king of Alba. A battle won by Ugaire son of Ailill against Sitric son of Amlef. A shower of wheat.
CLIX. “KINGS WITH OPPOSITION.” A joint rule over Ireland for a space of forty-two years. Cuan hua Lothchain. Corcran the priest. A great snow. Amalgaid successor of Patrick. The battle of Sliab Crott. Niall Mac Eochada. Niall mac Máel-Sechlainn. Diarmait mac Mail-na-mBo was king with opposition. This is the definition of a “King with Opposition “, given in the Roll of the Kings. If the king be of Leth Cuinn, and have the whole of Leth Cuinn and one province of Leth Moga in addition, he is called “King with Opposition”. But if he be of Leth Moga, he is not called “King of Ireland”, until all Leth Moga, and Temair with its families, and one of the two provinces of Leth Cuinn are with them. Mac Máil-na-mBo was king of Ireland in this manner, for he had all Leth Moga, Connachta, Fir Mide, Ulaid, and Airgialla. By him was Mac Braein sent over sea.
Tairdeibach ua Briain, twelve years. Dubda Lethi successor of Patrick. Donnchad mac Briain went to Eome. The battle of the Saxons. A harvest of nuts. The battle of Odba. The battle of Moin Cruinneóce. Toirdelbach died a natural death.
Muirchertach ua Briain. twenty years, till he died of a heavy sickness. The battle of Crinach won by the son of Domnall Remar and the Foreigners of Áth Cliath against the Men of Mide. Donnchad son of Domnall Remar was killed. A battle between the descendant of Eogan and the Ulaid, where the kings of both sides were slain. Máel-Ísu successor of Patrick. Blinding of Rúaidrí ua Conchoboir. A mutual battle within Uí Ceinnselaig, in which Énna Banach(?) fell. Donnchad mac Muiredaig was conqueror. Máel-Coluim mac Donnchada king of Alba. The battle of Fidnach. The plague of heat. The terror of St John’s Day. The battle of Mag Coba. Magnus king of Lochlann was slain in Ulaid. The Synod of Ráith Bresail. A battle between Donnchad mac Muiredaig and Clann Domnaill; it broke against Clann Domnaill. The battle of Áth Cliath broke afterwards against the Laigin, in which Donnchad mac Muiredaig and Conchobor ua Conchoboir were slain.
A joint kingship over Ireland for a space of thirty-six years; but Tairdeibaeh mac Rúaidrí ui Conchobor was king of Ireland with opposition. Énna s. Domnall s. Muiredach king of Laigen rested. A battle between Ua Mathgamhna and Mac Duinnsléibhe. Cellach successor of Patrick. The Battle of Lecc Uatha was broken against Diarmait son of Muiredach. The battle of Cúil Coll was broken for Diarmait at the end of a fortnight against the Men of Mumu, the Osraighe, and the Gaill of Port Lairge. Máel-Ísu ua Ainmere, chief elder of Ireland, rested. Cormac mac Carthaig, high-king of Mumu, was slain. The battle of Moin Mór broke with the Laigin and Connachta against Toirdelbach ua Bríain. Diarmait mac Domnaill mac Muiredaig, and Toirdelbach na Conchoboir, were victors. The Synod of Cenannas, where Iohannes the Cardinal was president; that noble Synod was held in the year 1152.
Muircertach mac Néill, fourteen years, till he fell at the hands of Ui Briuin and the Airgialla. Domnall ua Londgain, archbishop of Mumu, rested. Synod at Bri meic Taidg. Battle of Áth Firdiad, which broke before Muirchertach mac Néill against the Connachta and Ui Briuin.
Rúaidrí mac Toirdelbaig ui Conchoboir. Diarmait mac Domnaill meic Muiredaig was sent [expelled] over sea. The Saxons came into Ireland and Ireland was ravaged by them. Gilla-Mac-Liac, successor of Patrick. The Saxons came into Ireland; Ireland was ravaged by them. Diarmait mac Muiredaig died. Diannait mac Cormaic was slain by Saxons. Domnall ua Briain, king of North Mumu, rested; Conchobor of Moenmag, son of Rúaidrí was slain. Death of that Rúaidrí on his pilgrimage in Cunga.